:: Season of L.O.V.E ::

September 02, 2005

COMEX 2005!!!

Yah...today went down to comex after school...excited about the IT fair and wanna get a PDA phone.. I had been eyeing on O2 mini for quite sometime liao..hoping to buy it at Comex 2005 with lotsa freebies in the package....However, it does not turn out good...cos 1030...yet no freebies...so sad...so in the end din buy anything...think had to upgrade my plan to get a cheaper one from singtel...

Also gone to the food fare to get some goodies...haha...settle my dinner over there...alot of food but oily smoke all around...stinko neh....

Been out at Suntec then gone to Marina square...WOah...changed alot since th elast time i went there...then back to Suntec then on the train back home....quite a relaxing day in school and really nice that i spent my evening walking around to realx abit...=)


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