:: Season of L.O.V.E ::

January 28, 2006


Tonight I just want to go out of home and enjoy myself... decided to catch a movie then... though is ex on Friday but I believe is only weekends I have time to catch a movie yah... so went west mall watch "Huo Yuan Jia" Fearless with my brother & "brothers"... haha...

Nice show and good plot... like the way the movie is filmed that brought a very strong message across to the audience...

One scene shows Jet Li helping the farmer to plant wheat... when there is wind blowing... all farmers stop to feel the breeze, however only Jet keep on planting so as to overtake and win them... in the end he finish his job the fastest, however all are planted in correctly... It strongly brings a message to me that in real live, people work and compete with one another... however work can't be finished and it just keep coming... so one must learnt how to stop and relax our self at times, get recharged and continue working... There’s no point working so hard and never get a chance to enjoy.

Completing fast does not mean good... most important is that one put in the effort to bring out the best quality work and not forgetting to enjoy the process...

These is only one of the message that Jet wanted to bring across to the audience there are a few more if you really think of the words he said in the movie…

Anyway, like the show very much, been some time I had watch a movie liao… so ex nowadays so must choose the nice and worthy movie to watch… 3.5 / 5 … 0.5 deducted for too much of the cut scene that results in an abrupt transition of “Huo Yuan Jia” from a kid to adulthood. Overall GREAT SHOW!!!

3.5 / 5


周杰伦 专辑:霍元甲

吓命有几回合擂台等着 生死状赢了什么冷笑着

天下谁的第一又如何 止干戈我辈尚武德

我的拳脚了得 却奈何徒增虚名一个

江湖难测 谁是强者 谁争一统武林的资格

小城里 岁月流过去 清澈的勇气

洗涤过的回忆 我记得你 骄傲的活下去


霍霍霍霍霍霍霍霍 霍家拳的套路招式灵活

我我我我我我我我 活着生命就该完整渡过

我我我我我我我我 过错软弱从来不属于我

霍霍霍霍霍霍霍霍 我们精武出手无人能躲


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